Thursday 12 April 2012

Patch it up!

Does this look familiar to you?

I'm not sure if it's just a boy thing, but Elliott seems to get holes in EVERY single pair of pants that he wears.  He's had his newest pair of jeans for about six weeks and the knees are getting so thin that they're gonna go at any moment!  I really should be proactive about this, but here's what I've been doing to be completely REactive on his other pairs...


This project took me about 45 minutes in total which I think is pretty 'top shelf' for getting a pair a pants out of it that Elliott can actually wear in public that don't make him look like a little ragamuffin.

Supplies?  Patch material (I used some vintage leather that I had previously purchased), oval pattern (I used a mason jar lid to make the curves), seam ripper, scissors and sewing machine.
1) Pin patches in place over holes (or if you're being proactive, where kneed will wear out material)
2) Rip out the stitches from the outside pant leg (of whichever side does not have the decorative stitching) so that you can sew the patches on using your sewing machine. I left the side hem intact at the bottom so that I didn't have to deal with resewing the bottom hem.
3) Sew patches on using a zigzag stitch with coordinating thread.
4) Sew the seams back together and you're done!

I have a few cute pictures of Elliott modelling the pants, but I noticed (after the fact) that he was flying low and decided to make the most out of my crop function! :)

Testing out his knee-bends with the new patches!
When I showed Elliott his new pants he exclaimed that they were 'AWESOME' and wanted to put them on straight away!  Then at bedtime he told me that I should make purple patches to put on my shoulders...I guess in case I wear them out somehow?  :)  He's too cute not to love!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

In Progress...

Here's the deal: I am currently working on four quilts.  Yep, I know, if I focused on just one at a time I'd finish them a lot faster, but I can't seem to get this under control!  Picking fabric and choosing a design is so much fun that I've done it four times over and now have to follow through.  :)  This is a good thing though.  I truly do love the whole process of quilt making - just some parts are a bit more exciting than the others!

I thought since I haven't been posting much lately that I'd show you some of my progress...(and happily, I found quilt batting on sale this week, so the pieces are coming together)!

Elliott's quilt:

Last night I finished reconstructing the quilt front - I had managed to piece a section of 8 blocks on upside down, and had to take it out and make it right.  Ahh...that feels better!  At this rate I might actually be done his quilt in time for his birthday at the end of the month (fingers crossed).

I wasn't really sure what I thought of this one...but I got an entirely new perspective today when I saw it from a distance (I had to stand on a bucket on my tip toes to keep it from touching the ground)! 
Living room throw:

This quilt will be made up entirely of 2.5" squares, so it's definitely time consuming.  I've pieced together a few sections and will be focusing on this one once all of the others are done.  And I'm going to try REALLY hard to not start any more projects until this one is sitting on my living room couch (completed!).

I've had to piece this one as I go because I don't have a design wall and I don't really have anywhere to lay it out that doesn't have to be used on a weekly basis.  My walking foot has been working like a charm on this puppy!
Two Others:
The other two that I'm working on are for two dear friends of mine who have recently celebrated their I can't show them.  But I will tell you that their a little modern with a bit of vintage flare!  They are EASY to piece and won't take much time at all!  Okay, okay, here's a little sneak peek!

And here's what I'm sending to school with Elliott tomorrow for his class Easter party!

You can find these little bunnies here along with a few other cute pretzel and chocolate ideas.

On a side note - this chest cold that I have will NOT go away.  It's been two weeks in counting and I think I might actually venture out to the doc to get looked at.  Maybe.  :)  There just doesn't ever seem to be a good time with quilts on the go, kids to adore and a husband to love.  Though, I guess I won't be doing any of those things if I don't take care of myself first!
