Monday, 25 June 2012

Blessings and Warmth!

Is it just me, or have the past few weeks become a whirlwind of activity?!  With the onset of summer weather our family has been exploring more, spending an incredible amount of time outside, and simply loving life.  Ahhh....  With the beautiful weather calling us outside there has been less and less time for sewing, but here's the great part...I'm okay with it!  I've been spending so much time with my kiddies and husband and it's been so fulfilling.

Summer break for us starts at the end of next week and I've been thinking...with all of the activities that I want to focus on over the summer months why not take a little 'blog break'?  It's amazing that even though I don't blog to make any sort of income, I still find myself speding a lot of energy thinking about what's next for my blog.   I also have a lot of thinking to do about where to 'go' with my sewing, and I think this little break from blogging will help me figure out my next steps as a sewist!  :) 

I'd like to say a very heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been so encouraging of my work over the past seven months - you've been so kind and gracious; I wish you all a summer full of blessings and warmth! 

See you all soon!


1 comment:

  1. aww enjoy the blog break and see you next week hopefully! xxoxox


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