Thursday, 2 February 2012

Play Apron for Arlyn

So, I was getting a little frustrated with not completing any projects, so I set some of my big projects aside and worked on this little gem:

I opened up my Oliver + S  Little Things to Sew book and picked out the bias-trimmed apron for Arlyn.  Okay, so it's not perfect for Winter, but I had the spring/summer in mind (maybe playing in the backyard/sandbox/garden?)!

I used some fabric that I picked up from a thrift store (steal!) and matched it with some lovely light blue fabric that I had in my stash...okay, okay, I know that these colours are almost EXACTLY like the example in the book, but the colours just looked so cute I couldn't help myself!  Plus, this brown is the only dark colour that I had in my stash (and you know how easily dirt shows up on light fabrics)! 
I haven't added the velcro closure at the back yet...the only stuff I had on-hand was the stick-on kind that really gums up my sewing needle (yes, you can say trial and error).  :) 
Back panel - missing Velcro!
Oh, before I go, my dear mom gave a gift certificate to Hawthorne Threads for my bday and here's the lovely fabric that I selected.  I think that I will be making something for myself (what?!) out of it!
Notice the little helper?  :)

I promise to start actually making things out of the fabric I'm continually posting...someday.  :)

Hope you're all having a great week!  And, if you're visiting from Rachel's Curves Class, I'm so glad you came by...can't wait to meet you all!



  1. What a cute smock! The thrifted fabric really is a cutie. Did you know that you are a no reply commenter, Karina? I often wish I could email to thank-you for your sweet comments =)

  2. Thanks, Rachel...I'll be updating that right now! :)

  3. hey girl! i love the aprons! they are both SOOOO DARLING!!!


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