Saturday, 21 January 2012

Elliott's Quilt - the Top!

Elliott's quilt top is completed!  What it lacks in detailed design, it definitely makes up for in size :)  My previous quilts (found here and here) were both baby quilts, so it was much different sewing such a big quilt (it will fit a double/queen bed when complete)...and I can imagine how much more time consuming it will be to actually quilt this puppy! 
Quilt blocks sewn together!
That said, I'm a little torn. Initially I was thinking that I would straightline quilt just on either side of the seams to end up with a modern looking finished product. But now seeing in person how big the triangles are, I think that it would be missing something. Maybe I should straight line quilt every inch or so to add some detail? Or free motion quilt? Any ideas? Well, I have some time to decide - I still have to find material for the back and also find batting on sale - it's CRAZY how pricey that batting is!   Oh, and I never ended up getting that material I was waiting for...looks like and email to that Etsy seller is needed! :)

To update you on those cute little sewing machine ATE one and the button holer kinda messed up another.  Can you tell that I don't want to take the blame for my ineptitude? !  :)  My idea was to make button holes on either side of a two sided heart and string the hearts on ribbon, like garland.  Here's the first one that turned out (kind of...)
And now you all know I have yellow-orange panelling in my basement...
Despite the setback of ruining the first two, I decided to continue with these hearts.  After figuring out how to use the button holer on my machine I'm ahead of the game (or the machine, at least)! 

Here's the finished product! Just a little gaffer - I think I might continue with the length this evening!
Ignore the blue one that I threaded backwards! :)

I'm starting to get really excited for Valentine's day; I love special celebrations, and Valentine's day is one of my favourites!  My mom always made delicious V-day cookies that I now make for my kids (and husband, of course).  This string of hearts has put me in the mood for heart cookies!  :)
Well, that's all for today!  I've been a little sad that I haven't been able to update my blog as much as I had hoped...but I've been loving all of the encouragement and support!  Now GO, get your craft on! 


1 comment:

  1. You probably don't remember me but I am the Quebec girl who arrived in grade 11 at WCI. I was recently told about your blog by a common WCI viking and I just wanted to take a moment and say that I have enjoyed reading you so far. I am also a pretty recent sewer and quilter, and with baby one on the way, I look forward to many more projects, perhaps some of them inspired by the ideas you post here!


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